sept. 2015

assalam ..waaaaa lame betol aku tk pokpek kt sini hahahahh busy kerja beb ...actuallyy aku nk delet acount ni sbb ni sume psl bnde lame tp aku tk jmpe mne tmpt nk delete akaun ni hahaa ape pun skrg aku happy dgn life aku skrg ..ade parent , ade sibling , ade kengkawan , ade shafeeq andddd ade my first niece my baby aryan zafran. ..muahhh ciked ...and next year aku dpt my second niece , baby girl maybe ...jadi auntie kite sudah ..immma happy girl !! and too my beloved one , shafeeq ..thanks for everything , thanks sbb awak betul2 jaga saya slme sy kerja ..and hopefully utk selamanya ..inshaallah ..skrg hari2  kerja sama2,pergi same2 and next year maybe awk nk cri kerrja lain kan ..and sy akan keseorgan semula lah nmpknye tahun depan utk future awk , sy bg awk pergi ..dont worry about me ok syg tp skrg pn awk dh woorry kt sy sbb awk suruh sy BENTI KEJE !!! sbb awk ckp awk ade , awk bole jaga sy tp syg sy tknk sume tu sbb kite blm ade pape lgi ..biarkan sy cri duit sndiri ok ..sbb sy tknk sushkn org n sy tk pena di ajar utk mnta duit org ..nk ape2 kene usaha sndiri ..yeahh i try it ..yg pnting kje baru awk tu akan byk tkde mase utk sy hmmm hope awk tk lupe. sy and hope sy tk brbh hati ..aminn

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